Building motivated teams that produce predictable
results is a very hard problem to solve. Here are some thoughts on how you can
start making that happen in a Scrum environment.
Role in Scrum:
'Team' is a role in Scrum along with Scrum Master and Product Owner. The way I
see it, it is not an accident that the entire team is considered as a single
role. Individual developers, testers etc aren’t roles in Scrum, the entire team is. I believe this is an emphasis that the team needs to act as a single unit.
I have been on several projects where new Scrum teams were
created for each new project. As a Scrum Master, I believe it is my
responsibility to push back on this type of behavior within the organization. One
of the benefits of having a multi-function Scrum team is that it can handle most
projects when given appropriate support. If teams are changed for each project,
you lose the data collected for the team - e.g. velocity. A single team
kept together for a period of time will give you more predictable results than
new teams formed for each project.
Self-Organizing Nature:
Scrum emphasizes that teams need to be self-organizing. This
is very different from a traditional top-down management point of view, and it
is easy to imagine that some leaders may not fully appreciate the advantages of
self-organizing nature of teams. I believe one of the key advantages of having
self-organizing teams is that they have a higher likelihood of meeting or
exceeding their commitments.
As a Scrum Master I believe one of the starting points in creating self-organizing teams is to give them a single backlog to pull work from. Having a single backlog is the first step in being transparent about your minimum viable product. This helps the team get a clear direction, which helps to self-organize.
I also believe Scrum teams work best when they decide to pull work in - either in sprint planning or as stretch goals for a sprint. In my opinion, it is difficult for team to self organize when when work is pushed on to them.
Teams go through several stages as a group of individuals
come together and work with each other.
- They usually start off with what is called ‘forming’ stage, where they get to know each other as they start working together.
- The next stage is usually learning to adjust with each other. Everyone works a little differently there are obvious tensions and pressures during this stage. It is aptly called ‘storming’.
- As folks settle in and understand how each individual works, they can slowly start getting comfortable with each other. This stage is called ‘norming’.
- If a team stays together for a considerable period of time, people can start learning the strengths and weaknesses of each other. They can then start balancing responsibilities more efficiently. This stage is called ‘performing’.
As a Scrum Master, I think it is helpful to have the team
articulate what stage they are in. This is especially important when the team
is in ‘storming’ stage. It can be helpful for folks to understand that there is
a possible end to their frustrations with the team, and they most probably will be able to
see past their differences and work together.
I believe teams can be motivated in 2 primary axes. I think
both are equally important.
The first is transparency and power. Teams should be clear about their
minimum viable product. They should also have full power to implement it the
best way they see fit. If you have architects and designers who are outside the
team dictating how code needs to be structured, it can be demotivating for
the team. In order to have a motivated team, you need to give them power, not
The second motivating factor is the performance incentives that
folks receives from their employer. It is important to align incentives
to team performance and not individual performance. When you incentivize
team success, there is higher probability that folks on the team will ask for
help in getting the job done. If individual performances are incentivized over
team performance, some people can tend to hoard knowledge in an effort to making
their role more essential over others. This leads to competition within the
team members and hurts the product being built.
I think it may be best if both individual and team performance are factored in the incentives, with more weight given to team success / failure. If you have individual superheroes within your team, that may be a likely symptom of incentives for individual performance prioritized over team
performance. The downside of having superheroes is that you have to think about
the loss to the team when the superhero eventually decides to pursue other
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